It can sometimes feel like external factors need to come together before we can relax and enjoy the ride we’re on. But the truth is, whether we view it as such or not, we are in an intimate relationship with life. And it is how much (or how little) we show up for and honor this relationship which determines our happiness. Nothing else.

So this is my humble love letter to life. And if you feel so moved, I invite you to write your own–whether it be written or spoken. Danced or painted, or modeled through deed and action.


Dear Life,

Where to begin? I know I don’t extol your exquisiteness nearly enough. Instead, I often project my own fears and wounds onto you. Blame you for them.

I’m sorry for all the times I said you were too much. Too difficult. Overwhelming. Maybe even—in my darkest hour—that you sucked.

I’m sorry I haven’t spent every minute of every day letting myself be broken open by your beauty. Any time not spent celebrating you is wasted time.

I know, although I seem to need constant reminders, that you are perfect. That loving you full-heartedly, the good and the bad, heals everything. That, in fact, there is no bad.

All you have ever given me was in service to my growth. Helping me open to the power of my own soul. Which you continuously reflect back to me, whether I have the capacity to see it or not. I’m sorry I keep forgetting that you are, and have always been, on my side. By my side.

Thank you… Words pale in comparison to what you have given me … continue to give me. I struggle to find any that can adequately capture the breadth of your generosity. Your wisdom. How you always meet me exactly where I am. Give me only as much joy as I believe is possible. Only as much pain as is needed for my awakening.

I am learning to expand my capacity for receiving, so I get to experience the full force of your magic. Your limitlessness. I commit to treating each day I’m graced with the gift of your presence as the priceless treasure it is. To the best of my ability in that moment, in any case.

And I trust that when I forget, something will come my way to help me remember.

In love and profound gratitude
