Allowing life to flow through is the only way to grow. Let go of the dead branches clinging to the edge for safety. It is time. You are ready. This experience you chose to incarnate into is a dance of shadow and light. Play. Don’t take it too seriously. Remember that you are a bridge between worlds. Every time you dive into the emotional realms intentionally, without getting pulled down into content, you rise up cleansed and reborn, better able to use your wings to fly high above human conditioning. And in so doing, you bring others with you.

Your ability to experience flow, magic and synchronicity is connected to your openness, to your vibrational state. You can experience this state of consciousness at all times. Don’t let yourself get pulled out by distractive energy. Connect inward and choose how you spend your precious energy from there. Every moment is a gift. Use this one, this breath, to pivot back to yourself. The distraction pattern is just old fear-based energy that does not serve you in any way. It’s old ancestral energy — “I get to give myself a treat as a reward for life being hard and grueling.’ But there’s nothing sweet about the treat. It only disconnects you from the limitless bliss available when you are present.

Allow yourself to be in flow and awareness as often as possible. Live moment to moment. Everything is an opportunity to practice embodying love. Gratitude. You matter. Nothing external needs to validate this truth. Flow is the state of allowing everything to be exactly as it is. Ease can come with this state, but is neither the goal nor the indicator of flow. That belief just sets you up for frustration and feeling inadequate. Let go of the veil of lack and limitation. Release into the beauty that is within and all around you. That is the only Truth. When it seems like things are not working out, it’s because you’re measuring what is against how you think things should be. Breathe. Pause. Nothing is wrong or amiss. You are strengthening your muscle of resiliency. Learning to flow with each bend. Healing the parts that want to push back and punish. Releasing blame and victim energy. Stepping above, and staying in gratitude. That is the portal into flow.

© Jenny Brav